Friday, July 29, 2011

my new 'Type A' personality

We're so thankful for our new house. It's been officially ours for 3 months now, and the longer we stay the more we love it.

I'd be posting pictures all over the place if we weren't so far behind in getting everything put together. We are notorious procrastinators, especially when it comes to cleaning and organizing.

Which is why I'm on a mission to become OCD about all things clean and organized. I realize that this is a huge change (for the both of us), but I'm really excited about the possibilities. I actually get quite giddy when thinking about a future when someone asking to 'stop over' doesn’t send me into a panic. And as with all big projects, certain tools are helpful. 

This is where I share what I’ve found to be invaluable in my quest for clean.

Method's Lavender All Purpose spray. Smells wonderful and is the perfect clean and green cleaner.

Scotch's Fur Fighter sweeper. With so many animals, fur is our #1 problem. This has replaceable felt-like sheets that grab fur like no other. Ever try to sweep up cat hair with a regular broom and have the fuzz fly everywhere or get stuck on the broom bristles? Never a problem with this baby.

A well stocked and organized cleaning caddy (doesn't hurt if it's super cute too). Ours is stocked with non-harsh, environmental friendly, no-animal testing products.

The best in class, dreamy Dyson dc28 Animal Vacuum. This thing is a beast and has been on our wish-list for a very long time. And it's now ours, after help from a wonderful anniversary gift and some bartering at Bed, Bath and Beyond. I've never been more disgusted yet satisfied as I was when emptying out the collected dirt/fur after one round of vacuuming.   

I'm sure once we get this under our belts, a baby's going to show up and we'll have to start all over again from square one. Or learn to deal until they're out of the house...

Does anyone ever really get this down perfectly?



  1. You should check out Stephanie O'Dea. She has a great plan for the daily 7 and PROM at That seems to help around here. We get A LOT of drop ins and I am constantly watching the counter spill over with papers in that SAME spot! Now that Molly is 8 *gasp* she has really stepped up in the cleaning dept. Now Audrey, the baby, is FINALLY a clean freak. She cleans up any kind of mess... hehe Have fun with your new vacuum! If I can find another article I read recently that talked about 'if you don't clean well it is because you don't do it often enough'...*snort* ya think?

  2. BTW- somehow I didn't know you had a blog, just added to my feed. yea!

  3. Thanks for the link Denise; I've been reading some of posts - definitely great advice!
    Can't believe how big the girls are getting. I saw some pictures on facebook the other week. You and Brian have such beautiful girls!!
