1. The 2+ feet of snow outside. No work for either of us today--snow day. Last night, in the heaviest part of the storm, we drove around in Tom's truck with 4 wheel drive. It was us against the world.
2. Having four cats that love to purr and snuggle. Our heater could have stopped working and we'd be none the wiser. It's amazing how warm four cats can keep you when they're dispersed all about your bed (under the covers, on top of pillows, squashed in between us etc)
3. Officially registering for
this conference. It's taking place at
Saint Micheal Orthodox Church in Louisville, Ky. Quick overview of the highlights:
*Lectures by Brad Birzer (wonderful Hillsdale prof) and John Granger (author of Unlocking Harry Potter), among many others
*Topics like 'The world of Dostoevsky and the Freedom of the Person', 'Raising Humans in a Post-Human World' and 'The Fly and the Bee: What if Beauty, Love and Christ Were All That Mattered?'
*My hometown of Louisville...enough said.
4. This 'breakthrough' in the fashion world:
It's like a bad car accident--I can't stop staring. I was at the gym when I saw the commercial and thought it was a joke (in the same genre as
Mom Jeans). Buuuuuut, it's not; it's very, scarily real. In fact, you can
buy your own for the low, low price of $39.95. A great price and with the free t-shirt they throw in, very tempting. But ask yourself if it's worth the ridicule? Because I will be first in line for the ridicule. Also I will defriend you on facebook.
To be honest, this point in my blog post doesn't actually make me happy per se, but it does make me laugh an awful lot.
The World of Dostoevsky and the Freedom of the Person