Friday, September 3, 2010

The Borg in your pocket, or how Apple can save your soul (or at least your individuality)

We like Apple.  We like Steve Jobs.
We like what they stand for and what we are able to accomplish with their products.  Apple has successfully survived flourished since starting in 1976, and it continues to give customers the ability to achieve new levels of imagination and creativity.  No matter how new the technology, they consistently make a product that is reasonable, intuitive and beautifully effortless.

However, we believe their competition (and everything they stand for) to be an abomination.  Too strong a word??  Read on.

By resorting to low-brow blows and ludicrous comparisons, they cover their lack of artistry with blunt and downright frightening appeals.  We are disgusted by Droid's overplayed commercials.  We don't want to join the mindless mass and we certainly don't want to become a robot.  Droid's latest radio commercial promises that they will turn you into 'a more efficient media consuming machine'.  Their belief in what we should aspire to is startlingly different from Apple's.

While there may be dispute on how much worldviews affect technology companies, we can't shake the itch that something is very, very off with Verizon's Droid (and many others).  We're concerned that these advertisements actually work.  We prefer that which makes us more human (in the best sense) over that which makes us machines.

A study in contrasts for your consideration:

T & B

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